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SON OF GACY (Chapter Two)

SON OF GACY ... the Story Continues.....

Duke, the long lost son of serial killer John Wayne Gacy aspires to be a better killer than his famous father, but keeps on failing.

After multiple failures (See SON OF GACY: Chapter One), Duke finally decides to ask his father for help. John Gacy (aka The Killer Clown) along with his friend, fellow serial killer Dean Corll (The Candy Man - See KILLER CLOWN MEETS THE CANDY MAN) decide that Duke is so stupid and inept, that they ask other successful serial killers for help.

So they ask Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Aileen Wuornos, Edmond Kemper, Zodiac, the Son of Sam and others for help.

Each killer offers his or her advice, by describing and re-enacting their crimes.

Warning: This movie contains realistic, sometimes bloody and gory, re-enactments of the crimes of many famous serial killers.


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