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The Cannibal Killer: The Real Story of Jeffrey Dahmer DVD

"I don't want you to leave." - Jeffrey Dahmer

is am award winning fictious yet historically accurate horror crime docudrama narrated by Jeffrey Dahmer (Giancarlo Herrera) using actual quotes by the infamous serial killer responsible for murdering and dismembering at least 17 young men.

The story explores the psychodynamic of Dahmer's relationships with his neighbors, grandmother, and his victims, both pre and post mortum.

The film features a unique cameo appearance by Randy Jones of the Village People, playing one of the two policeman who in real life were responsible for letting Dahmer go free instead of bringing him and questioning him for alledgely molesting an underaged young man.

The film stars Giancarlo Herrera in a compelling portrayal of Jeffrey Dahmer, Genoveva Rosi, Lisa Deane, Caleb Vasquez, Jay Martins, Mason Taylor, Chrystal Williamson, Beth Dimeno, Ryan Love, Courtney Wahl, Clarence Dimesier, Anfernee Olivier, David DeRosa, Bryndan Lewis, Acheley Samira, and Edward X Young.
With a Special Appearance by Randy Jones

"GNARLY" - Jamesreviews
"OMINIOUS" - Filmbobbery
"COMPELLING" - John Paul Fay

The DVD contains the directors cut of the movie plus previews, alternate and delted scenes, plus a making of documentary and a short film about the 1930's cannibal killer Albert Fish.

Total running time: 2 hours

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